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Startar 20 aug 19:00

Arrangör: Monument


You thought we only spoil you on weekends and random Mondays huh? Hell no, Tuesdays in August, that’s where it’s at folks. So get your meatbags off the couch and join us as New York City’s very own SHOW ME THE BODY will destroy Ringön and Monument on August 20th.

This is genre-defying hardcore at its finest. As if the city itself had taken on human form and unleashed all of its heritage, influences, culture and diversity into one pissed off entity, refusing to bend to any one will.

A worn out sentiment perhaps; but this one; this one needs to be witnessed up close and in person. Tickets out NOW!

Support by: Ad Meliora + The Family Men

Framträdanden av Show Me The Body, Ad Meliora, The Family Men

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