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Entrance opens 16 Jun 18:00
Starts 16 Jun 19:30

Organizer: ML Intelligent Tech

Doors open at 18:00

A special music celebration for the first time in Malmö, Sweden, with Nassif Zeytoun and Rahma Riad on June 16th.

Get ready for an enchanting and memorable music evening in the city of Malmö, Sweden, where the stars Nassif Zeytoun and Rahma Riad will come together to perform in an unforgettable music concert on the sixteenth of June.

The audience will enjoy a unique and unbeatable performance by these two talented artists in the world of art, as they will present a varied repertoire of their most beautiful songs that attract the masses and remain in their memories for a long time.

It will be a lively atmosphere filled with positive energy, surrounded by sparkling lights and sounds that harmonize with the exciting rhythms. This concert represents a perfect opportunity for music lovers to enjoy an enchanting evening with two of the most famous Arab artists in a fantastic location like Malmö.

Don't miss the chance to be part of this unique experience and book your tickets now to attend this special event!

LUXUS EVENTS appreciates your presence, which makes our occasion even more special!

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