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Starter 27 apr 19:00

Arrangør: Monument

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The return... of the original Klubb Honky Tonk.

There's been a lot of rumbling these past months; folks are whispering around the globe: "country is back." "Country is the next big thing". "Beyonce is country now". We're not surprised. This here club was brought back from the dead the exact same day as these rumours started floating around. You're welcome.

The lineup speaks for itself and you are very much welcome to join us as we officially return on SATURDAY, APRIL 27 at our new home Monument. Ringön will never be the same - and Honky Tonk is forever.



Lyssna: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2V9BG3gxbAY6QZEQ76c7tm?si=50PuZEqSSRG6bv_BwC1OXQ

~ CHRISTIAN & THE 2120's ~

Lyssna: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2ITwpiByQ6wIn3eDDHyJuH?si=Lxf-PGivQc-hZ7HZe2vwnQ


Lyssna: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3oj8FVSXd2JBv0OB676zIQ?si=_TvGmBT_R3CapEAKzwXT7A


Lyssna: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5yOPKYVBuP4BrSuviIKBJX?si=4B1BiZyoSCengxY-4LBIMQ

~ High Coast Whisky ~ Dessutom är ett äkta svenskt premium brand på plats för första gången på Ringön! Kan lova er riktigt finfina whiskycocktails och varför inte passa på att snacka business med dem om att tex bli fatägare? Gött så.

Opptredener av Everett Parker, Rambling Nicholas Heron, John Henry, Christian & The 2120's

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